“Our goal is to make Rochester, NY the first litter-free city in the world”
– Matt Apple, CEO
Whether you want to volunteer at a group cleanup, or independently in your neighborhood, we will provide the equipment and safety information for you to be successful.
For questions or concerns
call or text: 585-358-6888
or email us at info@WalkingForRochester.org

Welcome to the Walking For Rochester website!
Check out What We Do and WFR in the News!

Introducing the Walking For Rochester mobile app!

This video shows why we have developed this app, the purpose of the app, and instructions on how to use it. Using the Walking For Rochester App is crucial for our battle against pollution. Please help us track your work for free by downloading the app today!

community litter cleanup, Walking for Rochester, Rochester NY

Building a stronger & cleaner community – together.

Picking up one piece of litter may seem insignificant, but it has the potential to blossom into something greater. At Walking For Rochester, we’re committed to taking action! We are taking a creative approach to battling against local pollution caused by litter.

Check out our 4 programs in the “What We Do” tab at the top. 

We track our volunteer litter progress on our mobile app, called “Walking For Rochester.” Download it! It’s free and is easy to use. Sign up today by calling our office, and you will have litter equipment delivered to you if you live in Rochester, NY! Or join us at one of our weekly cleanup events and get a chance to win a gift card to cool local businesses who’ve partnered with us. We’d love to meet you, neighbor!


Walking For Rochester’s mission is to organize businesses and neighborhoods to eliminate litter within their community.


If you don’t like what you see, let’s fix it together.

community litter cleanup, Walking for Rochester, Rochester NY