Frequently Asked Questions
What does the app track?
The goal of the app is to track your location while you are logging your walk and picking up litter.
Do you need me to allow you to track me via GPS?
Yes. For us to record your work and verify it, we must be able to track you.
Why do you need to track my location?
Tracking your location allows WFR to gain insight into which parts of the Rochester area have been cleared of litter. This enables us to coordinate our efforts to best serve the city.
Do you track my location when I am not using the app?
No. We only track your location while you are logging your walk.
How much does this app cost me?
It is 100% free to download and use it.
Can I change my profile information?
Yes, by tapping the profile logo in the corner you can change your picture, display name, and contact information. This is where you can find your profiles stats on past volunteer work.
I need community service hours. Can I just download the app and get started?
No. You must contact our office to join the volunteer program, 585-358-6888.
I downloaded the app, but I need equipment. How do I receive equipment?
Give us a call at 585-358-6888 and we may deliver you the equipment you need, such as gloves, bags, buckets, and grabbers.