Walking For Rochester’s 3rd Annual Fundraiser & Silent Auction

community litter cleanup, Walking for Rochester, Rochester NY

What if I told you we can make Rochester, NY litter free?


Join the movement. That’s right, Walking For Rochester is here to make a lasting impact in your city. 


Are you tired of all the litter poisoning Rochester’s water ways, trails, communities, streets and hearts? We have the power to change that, but it starts with WE. Consider supporting this fundraiser with a donation, ticket or sponsorship. Thank you!


Details: Click the invite to for the link to tickets!


Thursday, October 17th from 6pm – 8pm. Join us in the Remington room, at Divinity Estate & Chapel. Address: 1100 S. Goodman Street.


General admission ($23) includes open bar, charcuterie board and tapas. For $23, we can’t make the tickets any cheaper!

Matt Apple our President giving out our first gift card of 2022!

Check out the pics from last two years fundraisers! (Same location)
And a great clip from the 2023 Fundraiser guest speaker, Commissioner of the DES, Rochester, NY, Rich Perrin